torsdag 26 april 2012



 I don´t really have any idol. But when I was a young I have Jonas brothers as my idols, they were a boy band and they were famous in the Nickelodeon channel.

Lady Gaga is famous all around the world, she is always "over the top" Have costums and look crazy. But she have some great songs I think. I know a friend that have seen her live when she preformed in Sweden.

I don´t like drugs at all. I know a few people who is taken drugs. I'm against drugs because I have people that is close to me who use it and getting ill of it. Sure I don´t care if others take drugs but when it comes to my family I don't like it all.

Sweden is a really god country. On the summer it's hot and on the winter here is snow and cold. It's good because then you don´t get bored at the weahter, (spelling).

torsdag 29 mars 2012

Faking it

What does Susie, also known as Angelina Jolie, think about being a celebrity look-alike?
I think it would be nice to being a celebrity look-alike. Because you're not famous but you're still famous a little bit.

2. What outfits does Susie usually get to wear during the shootings?
Clothes that makes her look like Angelina Jolie.

3. How well does Johannes fake being a professional snooker player?
He didn´t success that well. The other player realised early that he was a begginer.

4. Why does Alison Jackson specialise in fake photography?
To take photos on look-alike celebritys, so it looked like the celebrity had done things that they haven´t done.

5. How does Alison find her look-alikes?
She knocked on doors, and looked for them at the streets.

fredag 23 mars 2012


Where can you find a 20-year-old site of graffiti in the US?
- Los Angeles

What is a graffiti bomb?
- They are doing ilegals qiuck things like grafitti.

What are people’s point of view of graffiti in this program?
- Some thinks that it is discraceful, and som of them thinks it's cool.

What happened in Berlin when Roland started putting up graffiti posters of a male character and his trouble with Linda?
- It got verey known by a lot of people. And they were booth upset and some of them didn't care.

After two years Roland put an end to his ‘love story’. Why?
- He got sick. And diceded to end the love story.

fredag 16 mars 2012

La vida loca

Visar hur undomarna har det i det landet.
Tycker att dem verkar vara hjärntvättade. Jag tycker att det är helt olikt så som vi har det här i Sverige, jag tycker inte något verkar vara bättre där om man jämför hur vi har det i Sverige. Alltid någon som dör.
Vissa ungdomar är lika som dom vi har här i Sverige, röker på och leker gangster.
Vad kan göras? : skjuta av deras huvuden, och sen begrava dem i hitlers massgravar med resten av alla judar. "skoja" De borde vara en revolution, som gör att det blir bättre för alla ungdomar. Skicka in soldater som gör de bättre för dem. Förbjud droger, försöka skaffa arbeten till dem.

En komikers uppväxt

* Varför kallas han för Juha?
*Känner igen bråk mellan syskon m.m. Men de har väl alla som har syskon. En komikers uppväxt

fredag 20 januari 2012


In this section Will found out that he would be a father and he was forced to quit because his girlfriend (Terry) said that they needed more money for them. But Emma persuaded Will to not stop with that he loves the most, but he has decieded to quit anyway. After he has said he will quit as Glee leader did Finn quit to. But the Glee club didn´t give up. And in the end Will didn´t quit.